getting value for money for charities using professional video.

One of the key aims of our productions is to make the client is getting value for money. One of the most important ways of achieving that is get the maximum possible from the footage we shoot.

This often means that the same footage is split between a main edit and several smaller edits, often used on social media. This was certainly the case for the example that Jon and Dan talk about below. The Donkey Sanctuary commissioned us to film across a weekend for a large event called El Rocio in Spain where there would be more than 250,000 equines being used to transport people to the event.

The aim was always to get the most amount of content we could and to follow the stories the outreach team would come across over the weekend. What we encountered along the way was possibly our most dramatic footage yet.


Top 10. How charities can use professional video production effectively.


Professional Video company vs in-house CONTENT creator